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Springfield > Case Studies > Portable Cabins

Case Studies - Products | Portable Cabins

Single Unit Nursery Building For Brighter...

Sector: Education Product: Portable Cabins

Brighter Beginnings - Single Unit Nursery building 10.8 x 6 M. Providing single classroom with male & female children toilets and wet area. Built in traditional ivory plastisol with oversize windows to accommodate external visibility for tiny tots!

JD Pipe’s Latest Branch is a Hit...

Sector: Commercial Product: Jackleg Cabins Modular Buildings Portable Cabins Prefabricated Buildings

JDP strategy of providing its products close to its client’s projects dictated a cost-effective way to deliver an infrastructure of new customer centre/branches. The new branches needed to showcase JDP’s new branch identity, offer a convenient, welcoming and efficient place for customers to be served, together with a need to meet the Company’s environmental reduction impact policy.

Peel Hall Primary School’s New Modular...

Sector: Education Product: Modular Buildings Portable Cabins Prefabricated Buildings

Peel Hall is a rapidly growing school urgently in need of additional classroom space. They had previously used Springfield for modular classrooms and been delighted with the results. They were obviously keen therefore to have Springfield specified in the tender process.  Springfield proved to be the most competitive in the tender process and additionally offered a flexibility of internal & external design not available elsewhere. and we were duly awarded the contract to provide a further 4 units.

Growing Pupil Numbers at Lansbury Bridge School...

Sector: Education Product: Modular Buildings Portable Cabins Prefabricated Buildings

Lansbury School needed more space to accommodate growing children numbers specifically for the Early Year pre-school education facility. Two classrooms were required suitable for children with special needs along with a wet room with disabled facilities and junior male & female toilets. A major challenge included the need to re-configure the existing building as part of the extension project.