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Springfield > Case Studies > Modular Buildings

Case Studies - Products | Modular Buildings

Replacement Modular Nursery at Beechwood Primary...

Sector: Education Product: Modular Buildings

Beechwood Primary School, is located in the heart of Crewe and the local community is very much involved with the school and supports the school in many ways. It is a school that encompasses hard-working, happy children and staff. Members of staff work hand in hand towards the school's vision and enable children to feel secure, valued, and able to grow into responsible individuals ready to embark on secondary education.

2 Storey Modular Office & Welfare Block For...

Sector: Commercial Product: Modular Buildings Two-Storey Portable Buildings

GB Railfreight needed to replace and upgrade existing but ageing accommodation that provided office and welfare space for their busy team. They now have a brand-new building designed to their exact specifications and fit for purpose -  delivered on budget and on time.

Hesketh Bank 12 Bay Community Centre

Sector: Commercial Product: Modular Buildings

Hesketh Bank Community Centre now has a building which they designed and is perfect for their needs offering the flexibility to accommodate a wide range of activities in space designed to be fit for purpose.

Park Lane Primary School’s 2 New Modular...

Sector: Education Product: Modular Buildings

Park Lane required additional space to accommodate their growing number of children with SEN. Modular buildings were specified as they offered all the benefits of a traditional build at a fraction of the cost and time, as well as external cladding to ensure an aesthetically pleasing appearance in keeping with the natural environment.